To our friends and neighbors in the Willow Run Community:Judy and I have thoroughly enjoyed our time in WRC is a fabulous neighborhood!
Professional sales people always use a process and methodology that is repetitive and proven. That is why they are so successful. As long term owners of both Commercial and Residential properties in multiple states, with as many as 11 properties owned at at any given time; we thought we’d share our experience working with the Ida Terbet Team on this complicated two home relocation. We have interviewed many, but exclusively worked with Ida Terbet and her “Team” for over 15+ years. She is the only Real estate person who has proven her” Sales System” works repeatedly.
Almost all the WRC homes need some TLC…just wait until you see your Home Inspection report! Ida has an “in house” Team for any repairs, quickly, correctly and competitively priced…most important is speed and multiple disciplines …so you can hit the closing timelines. You need someone with plumbing, carpentry, masonry, structural, roofing, electrical, painting, dry wall…you get the picture. Imagine trying to find and qualify these disciplines ..on time!
We have never found anyone even close to Ida Terbet to get us the best price and sell our homes quickly. You may have Realtor friends in the business…but this is a major business transaction..with one of your largest assets. Always use a Professional!
All the best,
Joe and Judy